Westerly Red Cross Sanitary Unit
The Westerly Ambulance Corps, Inc. was established in 1917 under the name of the Westerly Red Cross Sanitary Unit. The Corps is a private, non-profit, volunteer organization whose original purpose was to form a first aid and rescue unit in Westerly to cope with any emergencies that might arise from any disaster along the coastline or from the industrial plants.
The first emergency call for the new organization came in early December 1917. Dr. Frank I. Payne, the Corps' first Commander, called an emergency meeting to explain, according to one source, "... that an explosion and fire aboard a munitions ship in the harbor at Halifax, Nova Scotia, had caused injuries and there were calls for help from the stricken city". Westerly responded, reporting that 24 members had volunteered to go, first to Boston, and then to the scene by boat. The official word to move never came; but a national commendation did.
The First Alert - December 1919
The grimmest and most desperate battle against disaster that the young organization had to fight was the flu epidemic which hit the town in 1919. Literally overnight, the Westerly Corps took charge of the situation. Directed by Commander Payne, the members set up a 50 bed hospital in the Beach Street School where up to 460 patients were treated over a month's time. This was considered the Corps' most challenging moment with the exception of the 1938 hurricane.
Westerly Ambulance Corps
In the long history of the organization, the year 1955 stands out for 3 reasons. First, the name Westerly Ambulance Corps was born after a legal change from the old Westerly Red Cross Sanitary Unit. Secondly, the Rescue Squad was formed as an integral part of the Corps with its subsequent marshalling of all the modern equipment needed today for rescue operations. And thirdly, the years of planning for a home base of the Corps' own finally paid off. A headquarters on Chestnut Street was being established.
Today, the Westerly Ambulance Corps has some of the most modern emergency medical available. Ambulance service is being provided with 5 ambulances. The Corps also provides emergency 911 dispatching services for itself and other fire and ambulance services in the area.
The Corps is continuously upgrading it's equipment, vehicles, services, and facilities to meet the needs of our growing community. In 2002, we began operating out of a new headquarters located on Chestnut Street across from old facility. This $1.6 million headquarters houses all of our vehicles and equipment, as well as our new state-of-the-art 911 dispatching facilities. As always, the Corps depends upon the support of our volunteer members and the residents of our community. We hope that this support will continue to push the Corps forward into the future.
Please view the rest of this web site to gain further information about the Westerly Ambulance Corps and the services we provide.
Some information was taken from the 75th anniversary booklet article by Larry Chick. (1992)
Mission Statement
The Westerly Ambulance Corps is committed to provide quality emergency medical and dispatch services through our compassionate and caring volunteers and employees to the community and surrounding areas. Our service-oriented professionals strive for excellence through training and education. Our organization will continue its tradition of community service through public education, providing special event coverage and giving assistance to other emergency services when called upon. The Corps followed this vision since 1917 and will continue to assist those in need.